What Is the Freight Pipeline?

Freight Pipeline

The Freight Pipeline moves the trains loaded by the SuperDockTM swiftly, silently, and electrically underground to distribution centers throughout the LA region, nearly eliminating freeway truck traffic and producing no local pollution or congestion. It would replace the vast majority of port truck traffic along the routes shown below, which connect the ports with railyards and local distribution centers:


By using computer-driven drone trains, GRID moves freight containers through fifteen- to eighteen-foot water-tight tunnels installed under storm drains, river channels, or power transmission rights-of-way.


Trucks then pick up containers at designated feeder terminals in areas where warehouses are already concentrated, eliminating the need to drive back and forth to ports. This relieves traffic along multiple freeways, including the I-10, I-60, I-91, I-15, I-605, and I-710.

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